White clover is a weed with white flowers and a broadleaf. The broad leaves grow in sets of three. The white flowers can have sharp and pointy petals. Clover can spread across lawns very quickly. White Clover is a perennial weed that likes to grow in lawns. White Clover is common in sparse low grass areas like lawns, parks, and golf courses.
The best way to keep weeds and White Clover out of your lawn is to have a fertilizer company come and fertilize and do weed control.
It helps matters if you keep your lawn healthy and lush and green. When your grass has thick coverage and no empty areas there is no place for the White Clover to grow and thrive. It is also good not to mow your lawn too short because then it can expose the white clover seeds to the sun and they will grow. If the grass is left longer then there is not as good of a chance of the White Clover taking root in your lawn and growing.
One of the best ways to remove the White Clover yourself is to pull it by hand. Since it can have deep roots and get quite big it is best to pull all or as much of it as you can. You want to try and get the entire root out of possible so it does not grow back. Sometimes getting all of the White Clover that is above the surface of the ground will prevent it from growing back. If not then a herbicide is needed to be sprayed on the grass. There is also weed and feed that is available in a granular form that you can spread on the lawn that can help kill and prevent weeds from growing on the lawn.
The problem with herbicide sprays is that they damage the lawn. Even the ones that say they don’t kill your lawn will still harm the lawn grass and make it turn yellow. Sometimes after mowing comes back green but sometimes kills that patch of lawn and it needs to be re-seeded. The most effective herbicides are those that contain fluroxypyr, triclopyr, or quinclorac and are in liquid form rather than granular. These components can be found in systemic herbicides. The way they work is the herbicides absorb through the plants they come in contact with, and work well with perennials weeds because they spread to different areas of the plant, and not just where the spray came in to contact with the plant.
So, in summary, consult your local IFA store for a herbicide that has the chemicals mentioned above and you can practice spraying on a very small section of the yard to test if your chemicals are too strong and going to hurt the lawn. If the practice spot you spray dies or turns really yellow spraying it all over the yard will trade your weeds for big dead yellow spots which do not look any better and makes it look worse. The easiest route is to pull by hand or contact a professional company that guarantees their results and that they won’t kill your lawn.
For some weed and trimming services you can get more information here lawn mowing services in Lehi, UT